by Ilona Selke
The other night I was invited to dinner in Ubud, the artist town of Bali. It turned out that the person sitting next to me had worked in the early years with Harry Palmer of Avatar, to help ‘put him on the map’.
He was older now, and had accumulated a sizable amount of wisdom, which was shining through his eyes. I couldn’t help but ask: What is the quintessence of your life’s studies? And if he were to put it into one sentence what would it be?
He liked my questions, so he was kind enough to answer. He said: “It is our ability to CHOOSE! It is the POWER OF CHOICE!”
He explained that at any moment we can stand back and choose which way we wish to RESPOND, or FEEL, or FOCUS on what we REALLY WANT!
Something tingled in me. A good cosmic coincidence arrangement was going on here!
THE POWER OF CHOICE! He hit the nail on the button! That was the actual name of the magical personal growth course, which was developed by Dr. Rod Newton and to which I had been invited to take over the international marketing. We now have been teaching the course world wide since 1990. It is now called the Living From Vision course. Many a times graduates from the Living From Vision Course have told us the same thing: That the training to choose and the training to refocus their vision amidst adversity had helped them to realize that we live in a dreaming universe.
I am reminded of a German graduate of the LFV Course. In his lifetime he had studied under a couple of Indian gurus with intense fervor before he studied the LFV Course. He told me that one of the most valuable life-tools he had EVER gotten, was the STOP- LOOK- CHOOSE method from the LFV Course.
We teach it in the second segment of the LFV Course. It sounds fairly simple, and you can go ahead and try it, which is why I am sharing this story with you now.
When finding yourself in any situation, which you don’t agree with, you can firstly: STEP BACK. By doing so, you actually step out of the MOVIE, the DRAMA, the STORY. Then allow your AWARENESS to look at the entire situation. Subtly, but ever so effectively by doing so you make one of the most important steps in life. You realize that the MOVIE which unfolds around you is not the LIGHT that is bringing the scene to LIFE.
I love to practice this over and over when faces with anything that is less than beautiful.
Within the movie of LIFE it is AWARENESS of the situation, which allows you to step out of the scene and to become AWARE, and then you can REFOCUS on what you really want, making a CHOICE and finally you can reenter your LIFE MOVIE. The changes will be noticeable.
When you are able to pull out of a negative or less than satisfying situation, you exercise a very important aspect of your being. By becoming aware we make one of the most important steps in evolution. You realize that you are awareness, first and foremost. And secondarily there is an outer reality, which responds to your inner movie script.
Once you have mastered STOPPING the MOVIE and stepping out, you can then CHOOSE in your mind, heart and soul WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.
In the LFV Course we learn and practice daily (which is why the LFV APP is so incredibly valuable) how to FOCUS on what we want and practice the steps how to manifest it.
We learn how to UNIFY the LEFT and RIGHT Hemispheres of our minds in order to access higher levels of consciousness. And then we practice how to MERGE these two states into SINGULARITY, in order to CO-CREATE a NEW REALITY.
YES, we can REFOCUS and by imagining a better outcome we then RE-ASSEMBLE a NEW REALITY around us. A secret ingredient called FEELING is vital to the outcome. And as always “Practice makes perfect.”
Sounds miraculous? Yes, it is! It is the miracle that awareness accomplishes. It is the hidden power of the unseen universe. It is what Quantum Physics is trying to describe.
In the beginning of any practice, start with small events. With time, practice and with true need, you will learn to shift larger aspects of your life to express more harmony, more beauty and experience more fulfillment.
Much like YOGIS are able to create miraculous manifestations, healings, etc. you can CO-CREATE an ever more beautiful reality, simply by the POWER OF CHOICE and FOCUS.
Practicing the LFV methods according to many LFV graduates has given them daily tools to create the life they were born to live.